The art of converting digital images to readable computer format is called digital embroidery. The digitization process begins with the simplification of complex images to make them all set for embroidery. The artwork is opened in the digitizing software, where the digitization can only point the mouse to define the stitches. After modifying the image digitizer, it is necessary to decide on the path of the design.
The pathing is known as the stitches that run out of a specific sequence and is responsible for the final layout of the design. If the embroidery does not run in order, it may influence the layout of unnecessary gaps or missing stitches. The stitching method is both technical and highly artistic.
Allocation of Stitches:
The next move taken is to assign stitches based on the template. This first step begins with underlay stitches that are not noticeable in the final design or logo but are necessary for a perfect finished look. Underlying helps to maintain the fabric and to provide a foundation on the fabric so that the upper layer stitches have a smoother surface and increased density.
The fabric below the pattern is noticeable by not using the correct underlay. Stitches are distinguished by three styles, run, satin and fill. Digitizer will ensure that it is well prepared for the pull and push of the embroidery and will make changes accordingly for the best result during the final machine work on the cloth.
Save the Design:
Final step after the design is being embroidered is to save the design in internal file format. As the embroidery machine and design software has different language, digitizer needs to create a copy for the embroidery machine to read and understand.
Various File Formats for Embroidery Digitizing Files:
.cnd The format of the file used by Melco Software
.emb The format of the file used by Wilcom Software
.sew The file format used by Memory Craft 5700, 8000 and 9000 computers.
.jef The format of the file used by Memory Craft
.dst The format of the file used by Tajima Commercial Embroidery Machines
.csd The format of the file used by Poem, Husky gram & Singer EU Embroidery Machines
.exp The stitch-based file format used by Melco Commercial Embroidery Sewing Machines
.jan The file format includes the Properties of the Object Properties of Embroidery
The logo of a company has a long-lasting impact on our mind. Custom Embroidery Digitalizing helps to solidify the effect of this impression by making it simpler and flawless so that every stitch can be identified. Following are some of the factors that make digitizing embroidery exceptional:
Tailor-made embroidered clothing with a company logo is a walking advertisement that helps to promote the business at a very nominal cost.
These custom apparel designs are exclusive, and all design & color scheme depends entirely on you to ensure that you can change color & designs at any time.
With embroidery digitizing you will not only get custom design, but quality is far better than normal designing. It gives your attire a professional look.
The digitized embroidery designs are adjusted in such a way that they last for a long time in heavy washing or high temperatures. Digital embroidery colors never fade away.
Bring the artist present in you to be your own designer by creating custom-made eye-catching digital embroidery patches for your outfits and turning a plain piece of fabric into a nice trendy outfit.